For over 40 years, Covenant Care has been dedicated to providing exceptional care for our nation’s veterans. Recognizing their unique needs, we launched Veteran’s HonorCare, a specialized program offering comprehensive home health care and resources tailored specifically for those who have served.
What Sets Veteran’s HonorCare Apart?
Our program is designed to honor, support, and serve veterans through a range of dedicated services, including:
✅ Veteran Point of Contact – A dedicated team member to guide veterans through their care journey.
✅ Trained Clinicians in Veteran Needs – Our staff is specially trained to understand the challenges veterans face.
✅ Access to Local & State Veteran Resources – Connecting veterans with essential benefits and support.
✅ Veteran Advisory Council – Ensuring our services align with veterans' evolving needs.
✅ Veteran Volunteer Program – Fellow veterans giving back through companionship and support.
✅ Vet’s Wish Program – Fulfilling meaningful wishes to bring joy and honor to our veterans.
Making a Difference, One Veteran at a Time
Since launching Veteran’s HonorCare, we’ve been humbled by the heartfelt gratitude of veterans and their families. There is no greater reward than seeing the joy on a veteran’s face as they receive their Veteran Certificate of Honor or the emotional tears when they learn their wish is being granted through Vet’s Wish.
A Note From A Veteran Patient, Mike Majors
“I want to address why your certificate means so much. I had two tours in Vietnam. Vietnam claimed the lives of fifty-eight thousand Americans.
Here is what most service members experienced upon returning to the U.S. First, all commands told soldiers not to wear their uniforms. Second, upon arrival, if in uniform, you were jeered. Called ‘baby killers.’ Spat upon.
You survived being shot at, mortared, rocketed, exposed to Agent Orange (which you found out 30 years later), diseases, non-potable water, few baths, and no celebrations with family—no birthdays, weddings, births of your firstborn, or holidays. Then you get this sorrowful reception. No matter what, you did your best, followed orders, and ‘went where others feared to go.’ That was my welcome home—each time—a San Francisco welcome.
Conversely, when my oldest son returned from Iraq, they landed in Texas. They received a Texas-size welcome. Each service member was met by an individual greeter, hugged, and told, ‘Welcome home.’ They were given a cell phone to call anyone they wanted, a bag of gifts, and had their luggage carried by their greeter. They were even escorted to their next flight and saluted.
Do you know when and from whom Vietnam veterans finally heard ‘Welcome home?’ Years later—from fellow Vietnam veterans.
Carolyn and I were at the Kentucky State Gideon Convention in Paducah. The hotel was adjacent to the Ohio River, and the bottom floor was used for parking. On my 5 AM walk, I discovered 1,000 motorcycles parked there. One other early bird was fixing his 1947 Harley. It was the Vietnam Veterans Eastern Motorcycling Convention.
Later that day, I walked through all the vets. Over and over again, ‘Welcome home.’ I even found one veteran who served in my same aviation unit.
Being honored with your certificate means a lot to an old trooper."
Thank you,
Mike Majors
Honoring Our Veterans
Here is a picture of Mr. Majors with his dedicated nurse, Zannah Glisson.

And here are some cherished photos from Mr. Majors’ time in service!

Thankful For Veterans!
Veterans are true heroes, and we are deeply grateful to Mr. Majors for sharing his story with us. It is an honor to care for him. While we may not know every veteran’s name, we can do our best to show as many as possible the care, appreciation, and recognition they deserve.
If you’d like to learn more about Covenant Care’s Veterans HonorCare Program, contact us at 1.855.CARE.365.